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APG: 5 questions about the new lump sum plan

4 minute read


The pension contract will bring several significant changes with it for participants. The lump sum is one of them. This will allow you to withdraw 10 percent of your pension capital all at once as soon as you retire. How is that going to work? We asked the experts at APG.


less than 1 minute read




less than 1 minute read


1. “对菲利普来说,与海沃德为伍是最糟糕的事。他从不亲眼观察世界,总是书生意气。他很危险,因为他欺骗自己,却那么真心实意。他真诚地错把自己的放荡当作浪漫,把优柔寡断当作艺术气质,把无所事事当作哲人的超脱。他头脑庸俗,却极力追求高雅,所以从他眼中看到的一切事物都被放大了,轮廓模糊,蒙着多愁善感的金色薄雾。他撒谎,却根本不知道自己在撒谎,当他被戳穿,他却说谎言是美的。他就是个空想家。”


less than 1 minute read


今年上半年和Hong还有Marco一起组了个Bandit Study Group,在Multi-armed Bandit门前轻轻留了一圈,虽然没学精,但好在开了头,知道了这玩意儿是干嘛的以及我对它有没有兴趣博士论文用不用得上。


less than 1 minute read





Orbit Determination for Lunar Farside Probe Based on Relay Communication Satellite

Published in Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 2018

This paper studies autonomous Orbit Determination (OD) process to track a lunar farside probe via a relay communication satellite. The feasibility of the scheme is verified via observation analysis.

Recommended citation: Yadi Yang, Yuhua Tang, Dong Qiao (2018). "Orbit Determination for Lunar Farside Probe Based on Relay Communication Satellite." Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. AAS 17-872. AAS 17-872.

Design of Resonant Orbit in Synchronized Binary Asteroid System

Published in Journal of Astronautics, 2019

This paper studies the design method and evolution of the resonant orbits in the synchronized binary asteroid system. The design method of the resonant orbit is applicable to different binary asteroid systems and can be taken as a reference for orbit design in future binary asteroid explorations.

Recommended citation: Yadi Yang, Qi Chen, Xiangyu Li, Dong Qiao (2019). "Design of Resonant Orbit in Synchronized Binary Asteroid System." Journal of Astronautics. 40(9), 987.



Marketing for Econometrics FEB22018/FEB22018X-21

Undergraduate Tutorial, ZOOM online teaching, 2021

In this course, I teach master students how to solve marketing case study using RStudio in 7 weeks. Each week, the case questions are related to a specific methodology and analysis that is often used in conjunction with the topic of that week, e.g., customer segmentation, customer acquisition, search analytics and advertising, etc.

Marketing for Econometrics FEB22018/FEB22018X-22

Undergraduate Tutorial, On campus teaching, 2022

In this course, I teach master students how to solve marketing case study using RStudio in 7 weeks. Each week, the case questions are related to a specific methodology and analysis that is often used in conjunction with the topic of that week, e.g., customer segmentation, customer acquisition, search analytics and advertising, etc.

Marketing Research Methods FEM11027-22

Undergraduate Tutorial, On campus teaching, 2022

In this course, I teach master students how to identify variables and variable types in a given marketing problem, select the appropriate statistical method for a given marketing problem, apply statistical methods to real-life data sets with the help of SPSS.